Super User My Ref does not appear to Referred Customers We have hundreds of applications daily. In those applications, about 90% are through referrals. (Ref) system The Ref system works perfectly and was tested over a long time in all sorts of browser and system environments. The following must be considered: The Ref MUST sign up through your affiliate link (? Ref = xxxxx) The Ref has to register directly after the visit of the advertising link (Should not close the browser or the type in the URL without? Ref = xxxxx in a different browser) Cookies must be enabled Do not use the same computer / browser to add yourself as Ref. Follow the fanSlave rules What can you do if something did not work? You can ask your Ref to delete the account and to log in again correctly on your ad link. For Information, see the FAQs You can easily test it yourself: Install a new browser and register a new account using your ref link We do not change refs manually afterwards!